Monday, February 20, 2006

Everday Nanotechnology = Consumer Nanotechnology ??

Since I originally started talking about everyday nanotechnology ( was founded in September of 2003), I have been hoping to see more people discss the topic.

I feel like the discussion is warming up. It also helps to search google for "Consumer Nanotechnology" and not just "Everyday Nanotechnology". Here are some interesting links/articles to check out:
  1. National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network: Real World Applications of Nanotechnology.
  2. Nano Science and Technology Institute: Increased use of Nano technology in consumer products.
  3. High Speed, Low Temperature Nano Ink Developed for Consumer Electronics
  4. Global Value of the Nanotechnology Inputs Used to Produce Consumer Products to Reach $10.5 Billion by 2010.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Now here is a cool nano application. Several groups have been working on a nanobattery. The first time I heard of the idea was from a Febuary 2006 Scientific American article. In the article they describe a smart nanobattery that can be turned off and on, which is being developed by mPhase ( OTCBB: XDSL).

Researches at Sandia National Labs are also working on a nanobattery with the hopes that it will be used to power an artificial retna.

Having batteries on a small scale and with the ability to turn them on and off, allows for longer lasting and more compact electronic devices.

Image from Sandia Labs