Monday, February 20, 2006

Everday Nanotechnology = Consumer Nanotechnology ??

Since I originally started talking about everyday nanotechnology ( was founded in September of 2003), I have been hoping to see more people discss the topic.

I feel like the discussion is warming up. It also helps to search google for "Consumer Nanotechnology" and not just "Everyday Nanotechnology". Here are some interesting links/articles to check out:
  1. National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network: Real World Applications of Nanotechnology.
  2. Nano Science and Technology Institute: Increased use of Nano technology in consumer products.
  3. High Speed, Low Temperature Nano Ink Developed for Consumer Electronics
  4. Global Value of the Nanotechnology Inputs Used to Produce Consumer Products to Reach $10.5 Billion by 2010.


Unknown said...

I find it strange that it was Drexler who largely inspired the whole nanotechnology drive, yet no money is really being spent on molecular manufacturing, even in a feasibility sense. What I see is that the whole thing has been hijacked by people who are funneling the research money into their own companies.

Metatron said...

Ha What's up with those anon posts? Very strange. How are your experiments going?